
INA104 Study Calling For Interested Hospitals

The INA-RESPOND network is inviting all interested Indonesian government and private hospitals to participate in our HIV study entitled, “A Prospective Observational Cohort Study On HIV Infection And Risk Related Coinfections/Comorbidities In Indonesia” (INA-PROACTIVE). Send an email to or call our head office at +62 21 4287 9189 (Mr. Caleb/Ikhsan or Ms. Lois) for further information and details on the requirements/how to join our study. We look forward to having your hospital as a member of our study!

Jejaring INA-RESPOND mengundang semua Rumah Sakit pemerintah dan Rumah Sakit swasta Indonesia untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian HIV kami yang berjudul, “A Prospective Observational Cohort Study On HIV Infection And Risk Related Coinfections/Comorbidities In Indonesia” (INA-PROACTIVE). Kirimkan email ke atau hubungi kantor kami di nomor +62 21 4287 9189 (Bpk. Caleb/Ikhsan atau Ibu Lois) untuk mendapatkan informasi/detil lebih lanjut mengenai syarat/cara bergabung dalam penelitian kami. Kami berharap Rumah Sakit Anda bergabung dalam studi kami!

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